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Our Mission

Our Mission

Abraham Lincoln High School Visual Art Department’s mission is to cultivate the talent of our students by connecting them with the skills, information, and services they need to create meaningful art. Throughout our course offerings students will learn the fundamental principles of art and design - the creative tools which guide all forms of visual art.



Advanced Media Arts - Getting to Know Some of Lincoln's Newer Staff Members

Find out who the Mid-State Fair Bug Eating Champion is in this short video that tells us a little bit about some of our newer staff members. Advance Media Arts students would like to thank all the teachers that participated in this project. With your help students were able to work on framing shots, intercutting, and the ever important L-cut.

Advanced Media Arts 2024

AP Art Student Selected for Down Town Doors

Congratulations to Danielle Tyner for her official selection to Down Town Doors. Danielle and Brandy Chavez worked together to produce this video artist statement where she exlpains her creative process.

Advanced Animation 3D Modeled Environment

Jacob Batch 2024

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