Computer Science in Visual Art

Polygonal Modeling in Autodesk Maya

HDRI image taken with a Theta 360 camera

The first step for this project was for students to explore several different modeling techniques that can be used to achieve similar results, thus building their skills in Autodesk Maya. The goal was to create modular pipe sections using a combination of extrusions, deformations, and “bridges”. Then students built up a library of HDR images (High Dynamic Range Images) to choose from for the final rendering of their scene.
An HDRI, is a photograph taken with a 360° camera. The 3-D artist can then wrap this image around a 3-D model, or in this case a 3-D SkyDome light. The image envelops the light source, projecting a wide range of light and dark values as the light mixes the image with the 3-D scene. The different exposures on textures and surfaces produces a hyperrealistic environment.
Final rendering using Arnold Render - Jacob Batch 2024


Using the skills we developed in Autodesk Maya, we modeled chess pieces of our choosing. Once we modeled the piece, we used a slicer to transform the model into a specific filetype that the 3d printer can read and use to extrude the object. Chess pieces were chosen to increase the margin of success of our first 3D print as much as possible. Chess pieces do not have many steep overhangs which are challenging to 3D print. Most pieces are also symmetrical which lowers the difficulty of modeling the piece...plus they look really cool.
- Edward McSorley 2024
See how we are using Virtual Reality for prototyping.

Animation students will be able to explore various media to create original animations and artworks which may include the use of more traditional materials including pencils, pen, & paints to also the use of digital media including photography, videography, and digital renderings. Students will be asked to examine the way the art of animation has historically evolved. Students will also learn about the more internal/personal ways that art making can be used to benefit oneself as a form of reflection and introspection.
Visual expression is a part of everyday communication and a universal language, finding and developing tools and voice is instrumental in becoming an informed thinker and creative problem solver. Lincoln’s animation students will be given opportunities to develop these skills throughout this course.