Advanced Media Arts - A Letter To Myself
The prompt for this Media Arts project was for students to write a letter to their younger self.

Miriam Valencia 2024
Backstage - Victoria Ramirez 2024

Lincoln Media Arts loves to produce content that showcases the opportunities offered to students here on campus. If you have a project, program, team, or unique event that you would like captured on video and share with the community just let us know.
Contact: dresz@sjusd.org

The goal here was to create a retro look that simulated 80's video or an old CRT monitor appearance. The purpose of this student's experimentation with Adobe Premiere filters was to further develop their skills in post-production.
Media Arts Bite - Cavan Tonascia 2024
What Is Culture - Judah Hernandez 2024
NAHS & Media Arts Collaboration 2010

All good video production starts with good writing. The video essay does not replace the written essay; it simply alters the delivery of its content. At the very foundation of every quality video essay are words, organized on paper to provide a thoughtful critical analysis of the subject matter.
Looking for quick assignment that allows students to test their storytelling skills...Try this 90 second short film exercise.
This assignment was to create a captivating ninety second short film where students had to follow a set of specific guidelines. The requirements included; stay in one location, use only one word of dialogue, include a meaningful nod, and ensure the film follows a plot.